Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!

I am so Thankful for my children those born of me and those born of others. I am thankful for my husband and they family we have created together. I am also more aware with each passing year that blood alone does not a family make , family are those people who are true and loyal to you whether bloodrelated or not, I am thankful for the people in my life who I call family. I am thankful to be alive another year to enjoy these wonderful people. I am also thankful for the wonderful bloggers that I have encountered and for the light they shine on my day.   May all these people be blessed in all they do!!!

I am thankful for faith hope and love, Have a Blessed day everyone and Happy Thanksgiving!

The kids from oldest to youngest =)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Wicked soaps gingerbread giveaway...

Enter here for a chance to win wicked soaps gingerbread body butter creme and a bar of the gingerbread soap.     Also check out wicked soaps etsywickedsoaps.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


My nephew is moving away so I will be making him a cake from scratch which I haven't done in ages but this lady really inspires me. Hope it comes out well I'll post pics when it's done.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Being a step-parent is hard work....

But it all seems worth it when your stepson tells you, you are the only good mother he knows =)